Injustice: How the Sex Offender Registry Destroys LGBT Rights

It’s hard to believe that until recently, there were still laws on the books that made it illegal to be gay. Our legal system may no longer explicitly prohibit same-sex relationships, but we have found new ways to criminalize queer kids. We label them as sex offenders.
Across the country, children are put on sex-offense registries for behaviors that range from “playing doctor” to streaking to having consensual sex with peers a few years apart in age. The statistics are scary: out of 800,000 people on registries, one out of four — more than 200,000 — are under the age of 18. A child as young as 8 years old can be labeled as a “deviant.” Additionally, initial investigations show a disproportionate number of these youth are queer. Full Article

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For example, lets look at the “STATIC 99 test”…. Last question… Was your victim a MALE, if YES ADD A Point…

so suppose you are GAY… like me… so I get a point because a MALE is my TYPE ?

What about a ? for the STR8 People… Was your Victim a Female ?… if so ADD A POINT…. WTFFFF ????

Im my case Shouldnt there e a ? WAS YOUR VICTIM A Female….? and that have a POINT and it would show I was a deviant… as If it was a FEMALE and IM Gay it would show I went after anything that “moves” ?

Total SCAM…. Same with Sharper Future !

more like catch 22 , than stat 99 lol

Absolutely absurd! That Texas law should be challenged as unconstitutional. Bad enough being charged as an adult for a relationship with a minor, but I would also have been charged as a 16, 15 , 14 year old because my partner was the same sex although we were the same age? How far down in age do they go in Texas? They’re probably charging 10 year olds too

Strange, I am GLBTQQ and have been since elementary in the closet for a physical harm safety reason, now it bit me when i finally fell in love and an banned for life! Not really, because he is still my friend and will attend a Berk meeting soon! Getting punished for loving someone and repressed growing up and finally breathing and getting spanked, Don’t get me wrong, I deserve to be here like all the rest of us,
but breaking the law i did. He was 16, I turned 19, long relationship, parental approval, until I ‘turned their son GAY’
It’s hard for all of us to understand that some have to sneak into other countries by a “Coyote” mule just as some immirgrants sneak into here, minus the Great Wall of the south if Trump doesn;t get Trumped.
I don’t really understand what type of blindfold the SCOTUS folks wore (it wasn’t rainbow,LOL) wore when they all decided the majority that we are NOT being continually punished for going off probation/parole and being RC’s and following the law when we are all so limited in normal day to day movement. No real Vacay for us, that’s for sure. Others are railroaded or used for “A Showing” so they Judge will be rewarded and regain the bench or others being enrolled longer in their political office.
We are all punished for Life, as Lifers until the Tiered Program wakes up Calif.
Being Gay is NOT at all what’s it supposed to be a Parade nor Fiesta or Pride, mine’s down, I’ve been beat up like some of us, mine a double whammy.

Oh, btw, like the new design and name of our unique identifier group.
The pages are easier to read and easier to find info. Good Job!

Hope more turn up at meetings, and can physically make it and realize that it is expensive and challenging for alot to attend. Hope to see most of you there. Thanks for all your comments!

(Always watch your backs) Alot of Ignorant folk out there, GLBTQQ or Straight.

I was charged with encouraging child sex abuse two for pornography at 23 when I was in jail for that someone fabricated sexual harassment charges that were dismissed and expunged but somehow the Oregon border patrol and post-prison still are able to use that and I have no civil rights or anyting are no legal action I could take so that sexual harassment bump me up to a level three
You would think I would be able to get them for discrimination or something cuz it’s unfair mind you they bump me up after 11 years when I was trying to get relief from registration